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Rez creator Mizuguchi now a professor at a Japan university

Resigns from Q Entertainment board of directors, but "will continue to produce games".

Rez and Child of Eden creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi is now a professor at a Japanese university.

He's Project Professor of the Graduate School of Media Design at Keio University, to be specific.

At Tokyo Game Show last month Q Entertainment told Eurogamer Mizuguchi had stepped away from games production for the time being, taking on a more delegatory role within Q Entertainment.

Is Mizuguchi finished with game development? According to Keio Media Design, he will "continue to produce games and further expand his expertise in the field of media design and innovative content production".

But we do know that Mizuguchi has retired from the Q Entertainment Board of Directors, as of the end of September. He will continue to support the company as an advisor.

Q Entertainment's last game, Lumines Electronic Symphony for the PlayStation Vita, saw James Mielke step up into the producer's role. Mielke has since left Q Entertainment for Kyoto-based Q Games.

Q Entertainment is itself working on various new projects, and it's looking to capitalize on the popularity of card-battling games in Japan by blending in its own musical expertise in a genre hybrid.

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