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Resistance 3 trailer reveal at gamescom?

Insomniac newsletter teases fans.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Insomniac Games has teased fans with the possibility of a Resistance 3 reveal at German gameshow gamescom this month.

"It's been a long road since we launched Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time to your rave reviews last Fall. While we haven't had any new game content to show you since then, that's about to change in a big way," an Insomniac newlsetter read (posted by GamesOnSmash). "And yes, we realize we're announcing an announcement, and that we announced this newsletter announcement via a Twitter/Facebook announcement earlier this week. We feel a little bad about announcing the announcement of an announcement – but on the other hand, you're excited and so are we.

"With that, we're happy to reveal that we'll be announcing our newest game sometime between now and the Penny-Arcade Expo over Labour Day weekend. We're really excited to finally reveal this project, and we couldn't resist being the first to share the news with you. Even bigger news is that newsletter subscribers will be the first folks to see the trailer: the instant we announce the game – we'll be blasting a newsletter with the trailer for you to view at home."

"Couldn't resist", eh? How appropriate.

Gamescom takes place from 19th to 22nd August, and provides Insomniac with an ideal platform to show the world a trailer for a new game.

The Insomniac newsletter goes on to mention that Insomniac will actually demonstrate a new PlayStation 3 game at the Penny Arcade Expo. Whether these two games are the same is unknown. Could there be a Resistance 3 and a new Ratchet & Clank game?

Sony offered Eurogamer "no comment" this morning.

However, the whistle may have been blown on Resistance 3 already. Back in October 2009, a billboard advertising Resistance 3 was spotted on a Battle: Los Angeles film set. That movie belongs to Sony Pictures' and is due next year: perfect timing for a Resistance 3 advertising campaign.

Insomniac captured headlines by signing a multi-platform publishing deal with EA Partners earlier this year. It's the first time Insomniac and Sony haven't worked together in years. Having said that, Sony owns the rights to Resistance and Ratchet & Clank, which means any new instalments in those series' will be for PlayStation platforms.

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