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Quarrel Xbox Live Arcade release date

Scrabble to download word puzzler next week.

Celebrated iPhone puzzle game Quarrel arrives on Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday, 25th January, publisher UTV Ignition has announced.

Quarrel merges, to great success, the lexical-scoring of Scrabble with the territoral acquisition of Risk. Eurogamer's Quarrel iPhone review awarded 9/10, and the Scottish BAFTAs declared it Game of the Year.

The XBLA version of Quarrel will cost 400 MSP (£3.40), and features four-player multiplayer via Xbox Live. There are also leaderboards and Achievements, and you can play the game as your Xbox Live avatar.

"The Xbox 360 platform is the perfect platform for real-time Quarrelling and takes the height of battle to a whole new level," commented UTV spokesman Vip Patel.

"Now it really is about who has the biggest dictionary."

What japes.

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