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Pirates of the Burning Sea expanding

First word of expansion from boss.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Russell Williams, boss of developer Flying Lab, has made the first official mention of an expansion pack for the company's historical MMO, Pirates of the Burning Sea.

There are no more details than that, however, and indeed Flying Lab seems to be open to suggestions from players as to what form the expansion should take.

In a developer blog, Williams said: "The last big news on the horizon is expansion.

"We're starting to look at where we go next to build out the world of Pirates, and doing our scheduling estimates. If you've got an idea burning in your head, first, see a doctor, but second, write it down as a response and let us know where you would like to see the borders pushed back."

Pirates of the Burning Sea is set in the Caribbean of the 18th century, including many real-life ports such as Havana and New Orleans. An expansion might take it down towards South America, or north up the east coast of colonial America.

Williams updates players on a number of issues, including staff changes, a move to new offices, and the swordfighting changes that will be "the last major revamp we have planned for the game". After that, it's a push towards more advertising revenue, apparently.

Check out the gamepage for our review and more.

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