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Petroglyph wants MMO men

Tooling up for something.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Universe At War developer Petroglyph might be in the process of tooling up for an online game.

That's certainly been the reaction to a job posting for an "MMO Game Designer" spotted by Firing Squad t'other day.

Responsibilities will include "understanding, refining, maintaining, and disseminating the game design vision, game design, mission building, gameplay balancing, and game proposal development of a Massive Multiplayer Online Game," it says here.

Of course, it could always be that the work done by said MMO Game Designer will be pumped into Universe At War itself. The game's due out quite soon, but the role could always complement that of those working on the game's multiplayer features, which the developer has previously said were "inspired by popular massively multiplayer online games and competitive online playable titles".

Attempts to contact Petroglyph's Universe At War publisher, SEGA, for clarification were unsuccessful, which is a fancy way of saying they will call us back. In the meantime, speculate!

Petroglyph has previously worked on Star Wars: Empire at War and its expansion pack Forces of Corruption.

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