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Pac-Man movie on the way

Plot details yet to be revealed, oddly.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Yes. They're doing a Pac-Man film.

"They" being Crystal Sky Pictures, which has just signed a five picture deal worth USD 200 million with Grosvenor Park.

According to Variety, the deal also covers the previously announced Castlevania film, which is being directed by Sylvain White.

There's no word on who's directing the Pac-Man film, or who will star in it, or when it's coming out, or how on earth anyone could think making a Pac-Man film is a good idea in any way at all.

But someone at Crystal Sky must do - they first snapped up the rights from Namco more than five years ago. Funny how they haven't gotten around to making it yet.

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