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There's no No Russian in Russia as Sony Russia refuses Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered

COD blocked.

PlayStation Russia has decided not to release Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered.

It means there will be no No Russian - or any other Modern Warfare 2 mission - for PlayStation 4 owners in the country.

In a statement released last night via Activision's official Call of Duty Russia Twitter account, the company did not illuminate the reason for PlayStation Russia's disapproval.

But it doesn't take much to consider why.

The game's infamous No Russian level - which remains intact for this re-release - sees you taking part in a terrorist massacre at an airport, machine-gunning down hundreds of civilians. The act has been plotted by Russian operatives to be blamed on the US, in order to cause outrage and spark a World War 3.

The original Modern Warfare 2 was removed from sale in Russia, then re-released with the No Russian level removed.

"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered is a completely fictional 2009 campaign, recreated in HD quality," Activision's Russian statement reads.

"SIE decided not to sell the game in the Russian PS Store. We look forward to the release of the game in digital form for the PC on and on Xbox consoles."

All of which means, due to Modern Warfare 2's timed exclusivity on PlayStation, that no Russian player will play the game for another month.

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