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PlayStation 5 within 20 years

Maths suggests.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

We do love these stories.

Speaking to the BBC recently, Sony's Ken Kutaragi said that the company wanted to "lead with the PlayStation 3, and beyond that to the PlayStation 4 within the next decade," prompting lots of PS4 stories.

So we thought we'd get in there early with the PS5 story, which, as you can see from Ken's statement, is almost certain to happen within 20 years. Probably sooner! Quick, clear some space under the telly!

The BBC piece, which is sort of a profile of the man himself and his reflections on PlayStation since 1995, also features quotes to do with the PlayStation's origins, talking about how it took lots of convincing for Sony executives to back the original machine, and a few more bold statements about how big PlayStation 3 is going to be.

Anyway, we promise not to do that again. For a bit.

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