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Fallout: BOS competition winners

Yes, who did win that PlayStation 2? And why is there a man running out of the office in a ski mask with a box under his arm?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's become apparent that a number of you are deeply concerned for the well-being of the PlayStation 2 we recently offered as a prize in our Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel competition, not to mention the five copies of Metal Slug X (PSX) we promised for the runners-up.

Never fear! Slackness has more to do with our silence on the subject than kidnap or moider. (Although we did lop one of its ears off with a razor blade.) The truth is we simply forgot to mention who won, so you're probably wondering who did. Well, wonder no longer! The lucky chap who will shortly be receiving confirmation of his good fortune by email was one Richard Bisset, who correctly pointed out that the word 'fallout' is generally associated with the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.

Elsewhere, Joanna Maycock, Rhys Pendred (these sound like made-up names, don't they?), Matthew Warriner, David Westerberg and Lee Tonks were all randomly picked to receive copies of Metal Slug X, and can also look forward to an email landing in their inboxes within the next few minutes.

We'd like to thank (and offer our commiserations to) everybody who took the time to enter but didn't win, and thank our generous friends at Interplay for putting up the prizes. We hope to have more console giveaways on the site in the near future, so keep your eyes open.

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