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Tribes: Vengeance single-player demo

In demo terms, two Tribes have now gone to war.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

With the multiplayer beta up, running, and rightfully popular, Vivendi-Universal Games has now released a single-player demo of Irrational Games' Tribes: Vengeance, featuring a mission taken from about halfway through the game.

In other words, it's not the Halo-style world-falls-apart intro level that we tackled in some depth earlier this year; instead it's an arena-style combat trial in which Daniel, one of the game's several playable characters, fends off wave after wave of enemies.

"That one map is sort of an Arena map where you get to use just about every weapon and there's lots and lots of enemies swarming in on you all the time. It's a fun map," producer Chris Mahnken told us of the demo contents.

It's also quite a large demo, despite only comprising one map, at 374MB. Then again, if you were taken with the multiplayer then there seems very little point resisting. Grab the Tribes: Vengeance single-player demo here.

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