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New PS3 screens

Motorstorm, F1, Singstar PS3.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

While the crowds are still queuing up to get out of the sunshine and into the hugely crowded, probably already sweaty conference halls, Sony has treated everyone back home to a bunch of new screens for some of the PS3 launch titles.

When you get a quiet moment between the livetext conference coverage on Eurogamer.TV, feast your eyes on the dust-spattered delights of Motorstorm from Evolution Studios, which makes Colin McRae look like a four year old in a home-made go-kart. Then there's the latest Formula One title, and some rather fetching shots of random people getting their freak on with next-gen karaoke queen SingStar PS3.

We'll be bringing you up to the minute news, screens, and information as it spills from Sony's mouth, so keep checking back for more on the PS3.

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