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DS to link up with Wii wirelessly

Plus: Pokémon Battle details.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has revealed that the Wii will connect wirelessly with the DS, allowing for all sorts of exciting possibilities.

For example, it seems you'll be able to use your DS as a touch screencontroller, and play DS games on your TV via the Wii. Plus, you'll be able to access DS Station services - i.e., those offered by the demo download pods found in shops.

Iwata also announced Pokémon Battle Revolution for the Wii, the first game designed specifically to connect with the DS. Stick a Pokémon Diamond or Pearl cartridge in your handheld, whack Pokémon Battle in your console, and you can then use the DS as a controller to play the game on the big screen. You'll be able to take on other players via the Wi-Fi Connect service or just compete against the CPU.

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are due out in Japan this autumn, with Pokémon Battle Revolution to follow by the end of the year - so expect a European release some time in early 2007.

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