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Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault demo released

After some delay, EA's one-level single-player makes it out.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

As you've probably noticed, EA has released a one-level demo of its forthcoming World War II first-person shooter Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault. The full version of the game is due out exclusively on the PC this November 12th.

The level featured in the demo is called Henderson Field, and starts off with the player fighting his way through a US encampment overrun by the Japanese, before exiting onto an airstrip and shooting down countless Japanese planes before, as far as we can work out, perishing in the assault.

It's quite a hefty demo at 535MB, so if you're just curious to learn about how it plays, you might as well read our impressions of it here. If you've got plenty of bandwidth to play with though, you can get hold of it for yourself here.

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