Ubisoft to publish Star Ocean in Europe
Square Enix humps another publisher and once again we stand to benefit.

Ubisoft has announced that it will publish Square-Enix's Star Ocean: Till The End of Time on PS2 in Europe this autumn, proving once and for all that we were right to yell things about "dirty old slappers" when we trudged through the developer's chunkily bordered Final Fantasy X a couple of years ago. If there's one thing you can say for Squenix, it doesn't discriminate when it comes to leaping into bed.
The European release of Star Ocean, almost certainly based on the refined US release version announced by the developer earlier this year, marks the latest in a long line of affairs with publishers in the West. Take-Two has already announced it's publishing Drakengard over here, EA Partners obviously delivered Final Fantasy X-2, Atari handled Unlimited SaGa, and we're guessing that Sony still gets a look in now and then too.
Overall, it's good to see more (and more obscure) Square Enix games appearing in Europe, where the company recently announced its intention to build up a bigger presence, and with Star Ocean due out this autumn, we only really have one question for anybody listening in publisher land - can we have Front Mission 4 next?