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Mountain developer's Everything lets you play as anything


In 2014 game developer and special effects wizard David OReilly created a mountain simulator and for his next trick he's letting you inject consciousness into all sorts of inanimate objects with the upcoming PS4 game Everything.

Fun fact: David OReilly created the holographic video game sequences in Her.

"In Everything - every single thing is a playable character; if you can see it, you can be it," the developer boasted on the PlayStation Blog. "The game lets you see the entire universe from the point of view of the thousands of things in it. In other words, there is no distinction between you and the world, or between a level and a character. All these things experience and interact with the world differently."

"Everything is a game about the things we see, their relationships, and their points of view," OReilly continued. "In this context, things are how we separate reality so we can understand it and talk about it with each other. It sounds obvious, but people have been arguing about what things are since the dawn of time. This was the subject of my last game Mountain, and Everything explores this idea and more in much greater depth, and in a much more fun way."

It's not exactly clear what it will be like to play as household objects, plants, or stars, but given that OReilly's Mountain nearly topped the iOS charts upon its summer 2014 launch, it seems like the developer knows a thing or two about how to keep people entranced by the stationary life of an inanimate object.

Here's a trailer of how Everything looks in action:

Watch on YouTube

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