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More evidence of PSP rentals emerges

New menu option stirs up the rumours.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Further evidence is suggesting that Sony could be set to offer digital rentals of games for the PSP.

As spotted by The Retail Gamer, there's now an option to sort games you've downloaded to your handheld by expiration date.

Gamespot reports there are also "Starts" and "Hours Left" options now. Could this mean you'll be able to download games and access them for a limited time, as you can already do with video content?

It seems likely, especially when you consider this isn't the first time such rumours have emerged. Back in May, Sony released a consumer survey which polled participants on the viability of a subscription service.

When asked about the rumours a Sony UK spokesperson said, "We don't comment on rumour or speculation."

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