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Modern Warfare 2 DLC in spring

Energy drink outs map pack.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Had enough of Modern Warfare 2 yet, Man From The Future? Then you want to be thinking ahead to those downloadable maps, some of which are out next spring according to an energy drink. (Is this a bit surreal?)

IGN reports that an energy drink with a MW2 tie-in has a list of competition prizes printed on the side that includes "5,000 MW2 Map Pack codes - planned release Spring 2010".

That rather suggests that one of the map packs for Modern Warfare 2 will be released in spring, don't you think?

There's no word on whether that's the first map pack, or even whether it's one of the Xbox 360 timed exclusives, but we're chatting to various Pepsi bottles and Red Bull cans to try and find out more.

Modern Warfare 2, by the way, is due out for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on 10th November.

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