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Miyamoto talks Wii Fit

Wants it to bring families together.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto wants to bring families together with Wii Fit.

He said this has already happened in Japan, now he's hoping the same effect will occur in the UK.

"In Japanese households suddenly new conversations are springing up between fathers and mothers, fathers and daughters, talking about Wii Fit. We would love that to happen in Britain," Miyamoto told The Times.

And families are what Nintendo and Miyamoto are after; there are only so many people in the hardcore audience, you know.

"We want to broaden the definition of what a videogame is, to create games for people whether they are five or 95, whether they are men or women," added Miyamoto.

"I want to show that computer games can be good for you, can enrich your life."

Wii Fit was released in Europe last Friday and sells for GBP 70. Many observers have pipped it as the sell-out title of the year after its success in Japan.

And, less you think forking out and joining a gym is more worthy of your money, Miyamoto believes outside exercise and Wii Fit can work together. He went jogging in the park but warmed up using Wii Fit, you know.

"Spending too long, staying in and playing any videogame is not good I always tell my children to get out on a sunny day and I, myself, went jogging in Central Park yesterday," said Miyamoto. "But I do my stretching on Wii Fit. They work together."

Ellie rather liked Wii Fit when she reviewed it recently. So much so that she thought she would dress up in Lycra and all sorts of odd costumes so you could watch her play it. Pop over to Eurogamer TV to see her in action.

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