Minecraft PlayStation Vita release date finally announced
PC version's Horse Update now headed to all consoles.
Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition will finally be available to download from next Wednesday, 15th October, developer 4J Studios has announced.

That date applies to European Vita owners only, however. There's no word yet on when the game will be released in North America.
The Vita edition will be a Cross-Buy game for anyone who has already bought Minecraft on PlayStation 3. (The PS4 version is a separate entity, although you can upgrade to it from PS3/Vita at reduced cost.)
With all of Minecaft's planned console editions now released, 4J Studios' next task will be to update all five versions to the PC's edition's 1.6 build - otherwise known as the Horse update.
"We're now working on an update for all Minecraft console editions to move up to the equivalent of Java 1.6.4 version," 4J Studios explained via Twitter. "It may take some time!"
Horses and donkeys, status-buffing beacons, different types of clay, bats, the famous Wither enemy type, redstone blocks and horse armour are all due to be included.