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MGS: Peace Walker sneaks off of Games on Demand

Microsoft working on a fix. "Please wait for a while."

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD has mysteriously been removed from Microsoft's Games on Demand channel on Xbox Live after having just been added to the service on 28th August.

Microsoft issued a statement on its Japanese support site, where it said (via google translate), "We are sorry for the inconvenience to everyone" and "the resumption of delivery is being addressed now, please wait for a while." Um, okay.

Another administrator echoed this sentiment on the US support forums, where it they said, "We are looking into this presently. I don't have any information at this time. Hang in there!"

We've followed up with Microsoft to figure out what exactly the hold-up is, but we're assuming it has something to do with the initial release being buggy and not running properly on several users' consoles.

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