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Metallica to play BlizzCon 2014

For Whom the Bell Trolls.

Corporate metal band Metallica will close the show at this year's BlizzCon, the annual celebration of all things Blizzard taking place at the Anaheim Convention Center in California next month.

"We're thrilled to have Metallica blowing out our speakers at BlizzCon this year," said Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime. "After two full days of epic gaming and intense eSports action, an earth-shaking concert is the perfect sendoff for everyone at the show and watching from home."

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As well as showcasing panels and events for the company's roster of games, Blizzard's annual jamboree has also been traditionally used as a vehicle to announce new games and expansions. Will we hear anything concrete on the recently teased Overwatch project?

Eurogamer's editor Oli Welsh will have his ear to the ground at the show this year, checking out the latest developments from the publisher, and presumably letting it all hang out in the mosh pit. Those who purchase the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket will be able to enjoy the show from the comfort of their gaming chair instead.

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