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Mega Man board game funded on Kickstarter

Don't worry, this one's official.

An officially-licensed Mega Man board game has been successfully crowd-funded on Kickstarter.

Texas-based creator Jasco describes the board game as its "love letter to one of the best video game characters of all time". At the time of publication $149,064 had been pledged - over double its $70,000 goal. The Kickstarter has 37 days to run.

"Kickstarter funding will allow us to use better materials, offer more extras like miniatures, cards, extra boards, and polish the finalised product, giving fans an even better experience and something that will be worthy of any Mega Man enthusiast's collection," Jasco said.

Mega Man the Board Game is a 2-8 player "side-scrolling" board game. Players control their character and Dr. Wily's forces as they impede the progress of other players.

The core game includes four pre-constructed player decks (40 cards per deck), four Mega Man game pieces, four Robot Master game pieces and one Dr. Wily game piece, among other bits.

Currently Jasco's contract with Capcom limits the board game to sales in North America only, so it cannot ship to the UK. However, if the Kickstarter raises enough funding, Jasco will discuss extending its licensed territory with Capcom.

All we need now is a new Mega Man video game. Over to you Capcom.

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