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Looks like Disney is actually trying with the new Star Wars: Uprising mobile game

UPDATE: First gameplay footage released.

UPDATE 8th July 2015: We have the first gameplay footage of Star Wars: Uprising, the new free-to-play mobile game set after the events of the original film trilogy.

The video, below, reveals light action RPG gameplay, character creation and inventory management. There's real-time co-op in there, too.

According to the video Star Wars: Uprising is out September 2015.

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ORIGINAL STORY 5th June 2015: Disney, Lucasfilm and mobile developer Kabam have announced Star Wars: Uprising, a new free-to-play mobile game set after the events of the original film trilogy.

But despite being a mobile game, there are several promising elements about Uprising that may not make it all bad.

For starters, the game is set within the Star Wars universe's new canon - which supersedes all of the previous Expanded Universe stories.

Uprising is set in the remote Anoat Sector, home to familiar locations such as Hoth and Bespin's Cloud City. It reveals the story of what happened next after the Battle of Endor and the death of Emperor Palpatine.

This region of space is controlled by an Imperial governor who is censoring news of the organisation's demise and who still rules with an iron fist.

Kabam exec Aaron Loeb describes Uprising as a dungeon crawler, with game levels to trawl for gear and enemies to defeat via gesture-based combat (thanks, Wired).

You play as your own created character, then team up with others in larger-scale skirmishes to unlock story content for all players.

Better yet, despite being free-to-play, Star Wars: Uprising does not use any kind of stamina system - meaning there is no need to pay to continue playing.

A familiar landing platform... but where's Lando?

In fact, Kabam has promised there will be no paywalls of any kind and no pay-to-win mechanics.

"Kabam RPG is dedicated to doing what we call 'white hat free-to-play'," explained Daniel Erickson, former creative director of Star Wars: The Old Republic at BioWare (thanks, Venturebeat).

"We still have a system where you can go to the supply guy and get random rolls for loot and gear. But all that loot and gear also drops out in the world."

The reappearance of Bespin suggests Uprising could feature the first new canon appearance for Lando Calrissian, post-Return of the Jedi. But Erickson refused to confirm or deny his appearance.

"You will definitely see particular people make appearances," he teased. "[But] they are not the stars of this thing. The most controlled storylines are obviously what's going to happen to that small handful of people. We know what's going to happen to them, so we can include some of that stuff, but we are not trying to tell that story."

There's no firm release date yet for Star Wars: Uprising other than a vague "autumn" window, although beta testing begins soon in select countries.

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