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Long-in-the-works voxel-based action-RPG Cube World is out at the end of September

Following next week's closed beta.

Developer Picroma has revealed that its long-in-the-works voxel-based action-RPG will be coming to Steam, somewhat earlier than previously announced, on Monday, 30th September.

Cube World first emerged back in 2013, and immediately impressed with its endearing looks and bold premise; it sought to deliver a procedurally generated sandbox-style fantasy adventure, with a focus on open-world exploration, that would completely reconfigure itself with each new play-through.

Interest was strong enough that developer Wolfram von Funck agreed to release his hobby project as a paid alpha, with that initial release proving to be both an enjoyably genteel experience in its own right, and a solid foundation for future development.

Unfortunately, Cube World quickly gained notoriety not for the quality of the alpha, but for von Funck's extended radio silence following launch. Whole years passed with no further communication regarding alpha updates - behaviour the developer recently attributed to mental health issues in a candid blog post - leaving many to ponder the fate of the game.

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However, von Funck surprised everyone earlier this month when he announced that Cube World would, six years after its alpha release, soon be arriving on Steam. Initially, the developer had anticipated a release window of October/November, but evidently Cube World will be ready to meet its public even sooner.

Its 30th September launch will follow a brief closed beta, exclusively for alpha players, beginning next Monday, 23rd September. Those eligible will first need to get their complimentary Steam key from the Picroma website in order to play.

According to Cube World's Steam page, the full release version will feature four classes - Warrior, Ranger, Mage, and Rogue - plus, combat, spells, magic artefacts, weapons, armour, potions, elixirs, and food, as well as tameable pets that will fight alongside heroes and can be used as mounts. Crucially, it's also possible to pet ALL FRIENDLY ANIMALS.

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