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Konami's Metal Gear Solid 5 preview event

Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes headed to PC, and a new look at MGS5.

We are out of here! The Metal Gear Solid 5 preview event offered us another look at The Phantom Pain - which looked great - as well as confirmation that Kojima Production's game is heading to PC.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

50 minute warning. 50 MINUTE WARNING! We're not too far from the start of the Konami event - just enough time to pop to the shops for a few beers, I reckon.

Martin Robinson

MattaClark: Metal Gear Solid V and Ground Zeroes coming to Steam, according to Konami UK website

Indeed. Story coming up on the site shortly.

Martin Robinson

Konami seems to have spoiled its own party somewhat by letting slip that both Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain are coming to Steam.

Martin Robinson

Great news, obviously. Can we expect anything else to come from this event?

Martin Robinson

Would be great to hear more about the new Silent Hill Kojima is working on with Guillermo del Toro, but I think that's off the menu.

Martin Robinson

I'm going to have a look at Silent Hill teaser game P.T when this stream is done - anyone else here tried it yet?

Martin Robinson

Carpetfluff: P.T. is graphically great, has some tricky puzzle aspects and is bloody creepy in places. If you can get to the reveal without help from the net, well done.

I'm amazingly bad at games. I couldn't even find the game on the PSN store without the help of the internet.

Martin Robinson

Euro house is being pumped from the stream, which can mean only one thing. INVASION.

Martin Robinson

Or that we're about ten minutes away from a rambling inconsequential interview between Geoff Keighley and Kojima.

Martin Robinson

Best thing about this live report is that I can legitimately drink a beer with it. Who else is on the sauce? I've got a lovely bottle of Whitstable Bay Pale Ale to see me through the next hour.

Martin Robinson

MothFlesh: Should be drinking snakebite cider.......

Good shout! Though things would get messy very, very fast.

Martin Robinson

sleepless00: Merry xmas everybody

Happy new year to you too!

Martin Robinson

MothFlesh: I was glad to see that the Fulton was used in the box trailer. Wonder if they'll have a similar system to Mother Base in this.

It's already been confirmed to have a Mother Base like system, I think.

Martin Robinson

spamdangled: Hm. Do I pour a glass of red wine or have a beer? Ah, first world problems.

Pour your glass of wine into a pint of beer. Problem solved.

Martin Robinson

Ror: Damn you all, I have no booze in the house :( Tea it is.

Lighter fluid will also do the trick. I'm doing chasers with my ale.

Martin Robinson

Moonprince: Yep - you can actually walk around it this time, defend it from attacks etc

It also looks very, very much like MGS2's Big Shell, which is a nice touch.

Martin Robinson

Maybe Konami's decided not to bother with the stream now that the news is out.

Martin Robinson

Sammoore: Supposed to be an hour. Of course it was also supposed to have started, so...


Martin Robinson

Like a few of you, the delay's not bothering me that much. I'm just prancing around my computer to the late-90s house mix.

Martin Robinson

No! They're dimming the music!

Martin Robinson

Ah man. Well a good thing never lasts. So, here's Geoff the magician about to pull a little Kojima out from his hat.

Martin Robinson

MothFlesh: Untucked?

Well spotted. I think it's a score draw now, thinking back to the other conferences.

Martin Robinson

Great close-up and pan of Geoff's collar there, the finishing touch of a shirt which looks it hasn't seen an iron for a while.

Martin Robinson

Let's hope for a crash-zoom of Kojima's lapels.

Martin Robinson

We're getting a 15-minute gameplay preview tonight.

Martin Robinson

spamdangled: In a shock move, it turns out that Snake is only playable for the first 2 hours of the game. For the remaining 50 hours you play as Chico.

I am *still* expecting a switcheroo of some sort in the final game.

Martin Robinson

Oh wow, it's the same stage as we saw at E3. But!

Martin Robinson

He'll play through it a little differently.

Martin Robinson

karlo87: Nah, the big twist is this game is actually Revengeance 2

I would approve. I came to it late, but playing through it was one of the best evenings I've had this year.

Martin Robinson

Well, it's as gorgeous as it was back at E3.

Martin Robinson

I love, love, love that coat. Pre-order bonus please!

Martin Robinson

Ror: Why's Snake not speaking, eh? EH?

Hmmmmmm. I want to believe.

Martin Robinson

I swear the voice of Snake's PDA is the same women who does the train announcements on the Bakerloo line.

Martin Robinson

Have a shot of whiskey if you called out for the horse poop.

Martin Robinson

I think using horse crap to derail a Jeep is new for Gamescom.

Martin Robinson

tremblingwater: can someone explain what this fulton business is?

You use it to extract enemies/goats, who are then recruited and part of your team back at Mother Base.

Martin Robinson

tremblingwater: can someone explain what this fulton business is?

Also, it's lolz.

Martin Robinson

This is neat - enemies will learn how you fight and adapt. So now they're all wearing helmets to avoid headshots.

Martin Robinson

They're still dumb enough to be distracted by cardboard boobs, though.

Martin Robinson

Khanani97: i don't think MGS V has been confirmed for PC yet.

Give it another 15 minutes...

Martin Robinson

If you missed it earlier, it's leaked that this is coming to Steam.

Martin Robinson

As is Ground Zeroes.

Martin Robinson

We *may* get a release window too.

Martin Robinson

Ha, Snake plants some C4 on a jeep then Fultons it up to blow up a helicopter.

Martin Robinson

I would have left a little present from my horse before escaping if that was me playing.

Martin Robinson

Khanani97: With the pop in still as pronounced as it is....release will be a long way away.

I reckon it's over a year away.

Martin Robinson

Well, that's the demo - and I'm only more excited about The Phantom Pain.

Martin Robinson

He's about to announce a pre-order bonus.

Martin Robinson

Come on!

Martin Robinson

We're now being treated to the video we saw at the Sony conference yesterday.

Martin Robinson

Khanani97: that soldier's face was bloody terrifying.

It looks like he died a good few weeks before Snake finishes him off.

Martin Robinson

TagemandBagem: Are you suggesting a translator for the translator?

Hey dawg, I heard you liked translators! That'd be ace.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Fair enough - that's a neat way to announce it's coming to Steam, with Snake in a Steam-branded cardboard box.

Martin Robinson

Release date is....

Martin Robinson

Oh, there isn't one. Ground Zeroes will come to Steam before The Phantom Pain. That's your news.

Martin Robinson

Kiefer comes along to announce the pre-order deal running throughout Gamescom.

Martin Robinson

Khanani97: so, not much real meaty news so far.

There was - but it was leaked before the show, sadly. Still, the game looks ace!

Martin Robinson

We're now going into a Q&A session with vetted questions. Geoff says there may be updates about P.T/Silent Hill - but will there really?

Martin Robinson

smenj: Cameraman going for a look round the back again.

Collar-cam's been a highlight for me so far.

Martin Robinson

Kojima says he'd like to remake MGS1 in the Fox Engine.

Martin Robinson

I do think that, with the way the timeline is going with MGS, we'll see a reboot of the original at some point.

Martin Robinson

TheSensationalSean: @Fallschirmjaeger Nope, Twin Snakes was on GameCube in 2004.

It was also, in my opinion, kind of crap.

Martin Robinson

Cyclone: Is it me, or is the translator getting less and less coherent?

He's been joining us on the special brews, I reckon.

Martin Robinson

Ah, sweet Boktai.

Martin Robinson

Sweet, sweet Boktai, which was unplayable when living in dreary old England. Kojima says it was one of his favourite non-MG games in his career.

Martin Robinson

If Kojima could play any role in cinema history, he'd be the lead in Mad Max 2.

Martin Robinson

Would watch that film.

Martin Robinson

'How do you motivate yourself when you're tired?' Who's asking these questions?

Martin Robinson

This is worse than the time I was in a presentation for Mad World and someone asked how many objects were in the game.

Martin Robinson

Kojima sleeps four hours a night, in case you're wondering.

Martin Robinson

orangpelupa: how do you ask him a question?

Open a window and scream it into the wind. If you're loud enough it'll reach him.

Martin Robinson

We haven't got to the question about how many guns are in Metal Gear Solid 5, but I can feel that it's not far off.

Martin Robinson

Collar-cam again oh god when will this stop.

Martin Robinson

Kojima would have liked to be a detective in the LAPD, apparently.

Martin Robinson

Lunatic4ever: @tagemeandbagem SAY IT ISN'T SO!

It was the E3 demo, with a few more details.

Martin Robinson

Geoff had a little sway just then and nearly fell off his little perch.

Martin Robinson

I can't see the audience and am beginning to think this is taking place in some kind of void.

Martin Robinson

It's like The Phantom Zone. Where people are punished by having to spend an eternity answering only the most banal questions posed on Twitter.

Martin Robinson

Action stations! He's going to talk about TP now.

Martin Robinson

Hang on! No! He's talking about sausages.

Martin Robinson

TagemandBagem: TP for my bunghole

God, it shows what age I am that I laughed out loud at that.

Martin Robinson

Ror: Isn't it 'P.T.'..?

It is, but the typo was worth it to set up the Beavis and Butthead reference.

Martin Robinson

P.T stands for playable teaser. That's one mystery solved.

Martin Robinson

Kojima expected it to take a week for people to solve the last puzzle - which was intentionally obtuse.

Martin Robinson

We are - quite by mistake - watching the trailer from yesterday.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, it's made in the Fox Engine.

Martin Robinson

He's suggesting it's a Kojima Production game - they made it look a little bit shabby so you thought it was made by an indie.

Martin Robinson

Ltd. edition branded Koj pants confirmed.

Martin Robinson

The studio name is a reference to a prefecture in Japan.

Martin Robinson

karlo87: I wonder if sony are actually helping out with it or not

Would be good to know if it's exclusive or not. I doubt it is.

Martin Robinson

The technical cock-ups are the only thing keeping me awake right now.

Martin Robinson

I *think* that's a wrap. Sorry there wasn't more to it!

Martin Robinson

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