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LittleBigPlanet live interview on Weds

User-created questions.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Eurogamer readers will be able to quiz David Smith, co-founder and technical director of LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule, this Wednesday, 2nd July.

Smith will be online to face questions from you in one of our live interviews from 4pm BST (UK time) / 5pm CET.

LittleBigPlanet is one of the PS3's hottest prospects for 2008 and we were captivated by it and the possibilities of its user-created content focus when we took a look earlier this year.

"User-generated content is at the heart of LittleBigPlanet and if we've done our jobs right, you'll create new experiences that we haven't even thought of yet," said Smith, when we asked him to give us words for our press release.

"This is a great opportunity for me to make sure you have the tools to make the LittleBigPlanet experiences you want to make." It's also a chance to ask him the questions you've had on your mind for the last year but have never had the chance to ask. He meant that.

Live interviews couldn't be simpler: you just sign up for a Eurogamer account, visit the site at the allotted time and type in your questions. Then we put the best ones to Smith and feed back the answer while you watch. You don't even have to refresh the site.

If you want some clues as to how they usually work, or just want to see what sort of things are asked, be sure to check out the archive of our Ted Price live interview from the start of June.

See you all on Wednesday, 2nd July at 4pm UK!

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