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Leisure Suit Larry Kickstarter enjoys happy ending

Cum laude, he returns.

The Leisure Suit Larry Kickstarter funding drive has ended. The goal of $500,000 has been surpassed. The final tally, including PayPal, is $674,037.

That means developer Replay can set about remaking, from scratch - and with the help from the original team - smutty 1987 adventure game Leisure Suit Larry.

I remember!

"You did it!!!" wrote Replay Games founder Paul Trowe on Kickstarter. "Nothing could make me more proud right now, you guys!!"

"We promise to give this game the entire 25+ years of experience each one of us veterans has, to put all of the culmination of our years of making great games into this product. We think (and hope) you'll like it as much as we like making it."

Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards: The 25th Anniversary Edition will be made for PC, Mac, iPad and Android tablets. The game will be released probably in January 2013, Paul Trowe told VentureBeat. The original target had been October, but a new girlfriend, two extra rooms and new dialogue have since been added to the schedule.

"It's such an honour. When you think you've seen every business model, and heard every story about publisher battles and ego fights, I'm floored, thankful and grateful."

Paul Trowe, founder, Replay Games

The remake of Leisure Suit Larry will be powered by the Unity 3D engine, and be published in six languages.

There was a bonus Kickstarter funding target of $750,000 that wasn't reached. Whether "vastly more content" and "loads of incredible new features" will still be added remains to be seen.

"I'm really stoked," Trowe added, speaking with VentureBeat. "Especially after one of the VCs turned us down because they didn't want to be associated with Leisure Suit Larry.

"It's such an honour. When you think you've seen every business model, and heard every story about publisher battles and ego fights, I'm floored, thankful and grateful."

Well done!

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