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Legacy of Kain spin-off Nosgoth cancelled

This sucks.

Nosgoth, the competitive multiplayer Legacy of Kain spin-off, has been cancelled.

Publisher Square Enix said the free-to-download human versus vampire game would not make it to full release having spent over a year in Early Access on Steam.

"This was not an easy decision to come to," reads a statement posted to the Square Enix forum. "It has been a pleasure to build this game with your help, but ultimately its audience hasn't grown enough to sustain ongoing operations."

The servers go offline on 31st May 2016. Up to that point you can play as normal. However, players can no longer make real world purchases in the game. Any money spent since 1st March will be refunded, Square Enix added.

While Nosgoth failed to secure a sizeable audience, the news of its cancellation comes as some surprise given developer Psyonix (of Rocket League fame) and Square Enix had only last month signalled to me a launch proper was near.

What does this mean for the Legacy of Kain franchise?

"Any future Legacy of Kain project will be considered independently of Nosgoth and on the merits of the proposals alone," Square Enix said. Make of that what you will.

Nosgoth began life as the multiplayer component of Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun, which was in development at UK studio Climax before Square Enix cancelled it in back in 2012.

Will we ever see a new fully-fledged Legacy of Kain game? The prospect perhaps seems as unlikely now as it ever did.

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