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Kojima teases Zone of the Enders 3DS

Anubis yourself with excitement?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Renowned video game maker Hideo Kojima has posted pictures that strongly suggest a new Zone of the Enders 3DS game.

One of the pictures shared via Twitter showed a plastic replica of the series' Orbital Flames (mechs) in front of the words "Z.O.E." and - reversed - "3.D.S".

"Found this on Omori-kun's desk. What's this?" tweeted Kojima before posting the picture link. Takahiro Omori is an artist at Kojima Productions.

A subsequent tweet linked to a picture of text - some Japanese, some English. The recognisable words were Z.O.E and Anubis. The latter was the name of an Orbital Frame (mech) in Zone of the Enders.

"At Kore-P's desk. What's this? No, I know this," tweeted Kojima.

Zone of the Enders spawned two games on PS2 and a spin-off on GBA. Eurogamer didn't get around to an original Zone of the Enders review, but did explain the game's charms in a later PS2 Cult Classics article.

Eurogamer has written both a Zone of the Enders 2 review and a more recent Zone of the Enders 2 retrospective.

Eurogamer even wrote a Zone of the Enders GBA review.

At E3 2011, Hideo Kojima announced the return of Zone of the Enders for today's consoles. The Zone of the Enders HD Collection will tart-up the first to Z.O.E. games for PS3 and Xbox 360 some time next year.

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