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Kojima promises Zone of the Enders 3

Why developers shouldn't be allowed blogs.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Metal Gear maestro Hideo Kojima has promised there will be a third Zone of the Enders game on the Kojmia Productions blog.

Andriasang translated the post. "I cannot make a promise about time. However, I can promise a sequel," he said.

Zone of the Enders is Kojima's "other" series, a very anime-style game of flying space mechs. Although it has a cult following, its two PS2 entries never achieved the profile and sales of Metal Gear Solid.

Kojima says the failure of the second game, Zone of the Enders: the 2nd Runner (known as Anubis: Zone of Enders in Japan) was all his fault.

"Due to errors in setting the release time frame, while [the 2nd Runner] was a medium hit, it did not achieve the expected numbers," said Kojima. "Everything was due to an error by me, the producer. At that time, if I hadn't made a mistake with the release date, Anubis might have ended up a major Kojima Productions title to follow MGS, still seeing development as a series."

He wants to make it right by bringing the series back. "We feel that if we do it, we'd like to make Anubis succeed this time. I already have a game plan and method for sales in my head. However, we don't know if it will be green lighted. The production lines within Kojima Productions are currently full."

So, it's not happening, but it's definitely happening. We'll hold you to it, Kojima-san.

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