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Kojima teases new Zone of the Enders project

Proposed sequel in "experimental" stages.

Zone of the Enders creator Hideo Kojima has revealed artwork from a proposed sequel to the action series.

Kojima teased the as-yet untitled Enders Project at a Japanese event for the series' upcoming Zone of the Enders HD Collection.

The new Enders Project is still in an "experimental" phase, 4Gamer reported, with Kojima looking into the feasibility of making the game using the developer's Fox engine.

Kojima was however confident enough to reveal he was planning the game as a fully-fledged sequel to Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner. That title was originally released for the PlayStation 2 in 2003.

Early plans for the Enders Project place the game's setting within an ancient civilisation.

Artwork (and a scale model) from the project lies below, as posted to Twitter by various attendees at the event (via NeoGAF).

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