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Kingdom Come: Deliverance successfully funded on Kickstarter

Czech will do.

It's been two days and already Czech-made no-fantasy medieval RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance has reached its Kickstarter goal of £300,000.

The game will be made.

At the time of writing, the total is £322,894. The money was sought not as a way to solely fund development, but rather as a way to convince a very wealthy private investor that there's an audience for this kind of game.

Backing the game nets you a copy of Kingdom Come when it's done, of course, and there's alpha and beta early access dangled as bait. You're even rewarded with your very own hand-forged real-life sword if you spend £600 or more.

Kingdom Come will be separated into three acts, the first released in December 2015, and the following acts nine months apart thereafter. That's the plan now, but there's a long way to go and things could change.

The game's being developed for PC (Windows and Linux) and Mac, with PS4 and Xbox One a possibility, depending on the Early Access policies of each platform holder.

I talked to Czech developer Warhorse about Kingdom Come: Deliverance as part of a piece published earlier this week.

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