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Joe Mad's Battle Chasers is getting turned into a video game

Darksiders dev to adapt his beloved comic book series.

Cartoonist and video game developer Joe "Mad" Madureira, the man behind Darksiders, is going to be adapting his acclaimed comic book series Battle Chasers into a video game.

As revealed by Polygon, Madureira is creating the game with Vigil co-founder Ryan Stefanelli at their new company Airship Syndicate.

The Battle Chasers game will be targeting PC and consoles as a platform and while details are scarce, Madureira noted that it will be a role-playing game similar to Darksiders. He also said you'll be able to play as multiple Battle Chasers including Garrison, Gully and Calibretto.

He hasn't quite figured out how to actually fund this project, so it's unclear if Airship Syndicate will go the crowdfunding route or perhaps find a publisher or third-party investor, but Stefanelli said he'd like to keep the team size small - between 10 and 15 people - so I wouldn't expect something to the scale of Darksiders.

In addition to the Battle Chasers video game, Madureira will continue the fantasy series that ended in 2001 after nine issues. He plans to pen three-issue arcs continuing the saga after issue nine left things with a cliffhanger.

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