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inXile teases development on a "passionately demanded" RPG

What could it be?

Wasteland 2 and Torment: Tides of Numenera developer inXile said that it's begun work on an unannounced, but "passionately demanded" RPG to be revealed in 2015.

The 2004 RPG The Bard's Tale never had a sequel, so perhaps it's due for one?

"Along with continued tuning of Wasteland 2, myself and a few others at the studio are beginning to work on another RPG that has been passionately demanded of us for a while now," Wasteland 2 project lead Chris Keenan said in a Kickstarter update. "It's still quite early in the process, but we will have more news on that in the New Year."

What projects have been most frequently requested from the developer, one wonders? Could it be yet another Torment or Wasteland game? Another The Bard's Tale adventure? Or maybe studio founder Brian Fargo will collaborate with a publisher on a third-party property like Fallout? A Bard's Tale seems the most likely scenario, I reckon, but that's just a hunch.

Keenan noted that Wasteleand 2 is still being supported post-launch, even if the bulk of its team is transitioning into Torment development.

"Many of the talented team members at inXile who worked on Wasteland 2 have moved full time on to Torment: Tides of Numenera, but we still have a dedicated crew giving Wasteland 2 the love and attention it deserves," he said. "Amongst other things, we intend to do a serious balance pass in the future that should tighten up some of the loose ends. This process will easily take a month to complete (have I mentioned this game is massive?) so we will need a solid window of time to complete it between updates."

Might as well ask: what would you like to see inXile tackle next?

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