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Innovative puzzle game Viewfinder has a free demo on Steam

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A demo for innovative first-person puzzle game Viewfinder is now available on Steam.

The debut game from Scottish developer Sad Owl Studios, Viewfinder is a puzzle game that plays with perspective.

Early on, players must discover photos around the world which they then place and step into to progress. Later, they're equipped with a camera to take pictures of the surroundings, which can then be placed and moved into to solve puzzles. Check out the trailer below to see it in action.

Viewfinder - Announcement TrailerWatch on YouTube

I played a demo of Viewfinder recently at WASD in London and it was one of the most intriguing games at the show.

The use of photography allows for multiple solutions to puzzles. For instance, one puzzle required me to collect batteries to fire up a teleporting machine; a battery was placed on a pedestal too high to reach, but taking photos of the surrounding environment provided multiple ways to acquire the battery.

The game also plays with art styles, as the photos discovered range from painterly to pixels.

Make a mistake and you can rewind time to rectify.

I've dipped into the new Steam demo and it appears to be the same as what I played - I can thoroughly recommend downloading it and giving it a try!

Viewfinder currently has a release date of 2023 and is heading to PC and PS5. The demo is available for free on Steam.

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