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Incredible Mirror's Edge Parkour video's leap of faith

Don't look down.

Parkour specialists Ampisound have put together a video inspired by DICE's first-person free-running action game Mirror's Edge - and the results are incredible.

The video, shot in Cambridge, gives us a first-person view of Parkour expert Neil Cointet as he runs, jumps and forward rolls his way across the UK city's rooftops. He even dresses up as Mirror's Edge's protagonist Faith, complete with trademark red glove.

"We're massive fans of Mirror's Edge, and are always getting comments and comments saying, 'Wow this is like real life Mirrors Edge'," said the team.

"Well EA/DICE recently announced Mirrors Edge 2, and out of excitement we decided to put together this POV video! If it does well, we've got some plans for a second one!"

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