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Ignition turns for Unreal Engine

Reports of hand holding and mild petting.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Ignition Entertainment, purveyor of such fine titles as George of the Jungle and Crayola Treasure Adventures, has licensed the Unreal 3 Engine for its 'first next-gen title'.

By joining the gazillion other developers using Epic's massively versatile tool, Ignition are hoping to craft a 'groundbreaking' FPS, with the 'exciting and fresh' IP due late next year. The new title is being produced at the company's Florida hub, with sun-kissed studio head Jeremy Stieglitz adamant that "there was no questioning that Unreal Engine 3 is the way to go".

Quotebox Mark Rein was chipper about the deal, claiming that Ignition were "pushing the Unreal Engine 3 in a very exciting direction, especially in terms of environmental capabilities". Presumably, then, the title will be a relatively open world affair, unless it happens to focus on global warming or the plight of seal cubs. As much as we'd like an FPS featuring seal cubs, perhaps as an alternative fire on a rocket launcher, it seems relatively unlikely at this time.

Rein went on to add, while smiling the smile of a man who could buy the moon, "These guys have the chops to create some remarkable games, and we have complete faith in their technical and creative abilities." Quite what 'chops' are in this particular context, we're not sure.

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