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ICO HD Vita Remote Play: Sony "almost ready with a patch"

Shuei Yoshida tweets a picture of it.

Sony's "almost ready with a patch" for ICO HD that will enable Remote Play on PlayStation Vita, Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida said today.

He tweeted a picture of the game running on Vita, and wrote: "I was play testing ICO HD Remote Play on PS Vita. We are almost ready with a patch. Beautiful on OLED. More info soon."

The Tokyo Game Show is two weeks away, and would be an obvious event around which to release such a patch.

Sony teased Remote Play support for ICO earlier this year. Other "expected supporting titles" mentioned were God of War, God of War 2 and Shadow of the Colossus.

Remote Play allows you to stream-play a PS3 game on Vita - using the handheld's screen as the display.

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