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Humble Indie Bundle heads to Android

Osmos, World of Goo, Edge, Anomaly up for grabs.

The long-running Humble Indie Bundle initiative has finally made the leap to smartphones.

The latest pack includes Android-compatible indie gems Osmos, Edge and Anomaly: Warzone Earth. What's more, you'll also get versions for Mac OSX, Windows or GNU/Linux.

As is traditional, you decide how much you pay, and what proportion of your donation goes to the developers, to charity (choose Child's Play Charity or the Electronic Frontier Foundation) and to the Humble Indie Bundle organisers.

If your payment is above the current average ($5.29 at the time of writing), you'll also get World of Goo thrown in.

The pack has got off to a solid start, with over 24,000 sales so far and revenue of $131,000.

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