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Hotline Miami 2 trailer is gory-ous

Love is... dual-wielding machine guns.

Walking down a hallway with twin machine guns, one firing one way, one firing the other way, sure looks like a lot of bloody fun. So does bundling into people with a kind of forward roll/flip. Judging by this new trailer, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is shaping up well.

Other points of note include straddling enemies and then mangling their soft flesh with a chainsaw, or battering their head to a mush with a sledgehammer. Every bit as fast and disgusting as we'd hoped.

Hotline Miami 2 is coming to PC and Mac as well as PS4, PS3 and Vita - as a Cross Buy game, no less. A Q3 release was mentioned at the start of the year for the PC and Mac versions.

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