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Deathspank dev's new game is Swarm

Like Lemmings with Oddworld funnies.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Deathspank developer Hothead has revealed a new game called Swarm.

UTV Ignition will publish on "multiple platforms" in early 2011.

Swarm apparently combines "mass violence, micro-management and a sense of humour last found in the legendary Oddworld series". On paper the game sounds like Lemmings: steer as many of the 50 Swarmites to the end of the level as you can.

And there's plenty to prevent that happening: lasers, bombs, boulders and ledges are featured in the first video below.

Hothead's best known for soon-to-be-released action RPG Deathspank. That's due out 13th July on Xbox Live Arcade and 14th July on PSN.

However, high profile studio boss Ron Gilbert - the maker of Monkey Island - left recently under mysterious circumstances. Eurogamer should know more about that very soon.

Is that a Lemming or a raisin?

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