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Halo ATLAS app out this week

343 offers real-time player data and map info.

Multiplayer data-tracking smartphone app Halo ATLAS goes on sale from 10th December, 343 Industries has announced.

As detailed in this week's Halo Bulletin, ATLAS (Assisted Tactical Assault System) is a "companion experience" offering "near-real-time player data and tactical guidance" for Halo Reach and Halo Anniversary multiplayer.

The app displays the games' various multiplayer maps on your portable device along with the following information:

  • Weapon and vehicle spawn locations for Matchmaking and Firefight games
  • Health pack locations
  • Near-real-time locations for weapons and vehicles during Custom Multiplayer games
  • Your location and that of your team members displayed on the map
  • 'Follow me' mode to track your movement
  • Dynamic player list, including current score for the teams and each player and equipped weapon for you and your teammates

The location tracking feature isn't currently offered for Firefight maps.

"With Matchmaking games, ATLAS respects the ranked nature of gameplay by only showing weapon and vehicle spawn locations," explained 343.

"But with Custom Multiplayer games, ATLAS takes a more no-holds-bared approach by showing the near-real-time location of power weapons and vehicles on the map.

"So, if someone picks up a Rocket Launcher and later drops it, you will see the new location for that particular weapon. You will also be able to see vehicles moving around along with you or your teammates!"

The app is compatible with Windows Phone 7.5, iPhone 3GS and above, all iPads, and Android devices running Android 2.2 or higher. It will set you back your local equivalent of $4.99.

In addition to ATLAS, a free Halo Waypoint app is also on the way.

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