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Gears of War: Ultimate Edition spotted

And a Dishonored: Definitive Edition, too.

There's no end in sight to the current climate of remakes.

Microsoft's chunky team shooter Gears of War and Bethesda's stealth adventure Dishonored both look like they are next in line for a spruce-up.

That's according to new listings for each game spotted on the Brazilian ratings board (thanks, AGB).

Gears of War is getting an "Ultimate Edition", presumably for Xbox One.

Last month, early reports suggested that the game would be a remaster of the original Gears of War.

Brink and Dirty Bomb developer Splash Damage is supposedly handling development, while animation studio Plastic Wax is on cut-scene duty.

Dishonored will get a "Definitive Edition", which tallies with internet mutterings that its in-development sequel won't be ready to show next month at E3.

A remaster would keep the franchise fresh while developer Arkane continues its work on a follow-up.

Microsoft declined to comment when contacted by Eurogamer. We've also asked Bethesda in case they have anything to say.

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