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Gearbox in talks to do new Halo game

But no deal in place yet, says Variety.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Brothers in Arms developer Gearbox Software is in discussions about the next instalment in the Halo series, according to a post on the Variety blog.

The poster says "a source... Close to Gearbox" confirmed the studio "has definitely had conversations with Microsoft about doing a new Halo game and is very excited at the prospect". However, no deal has been signed as yet.

"As far as I can tell, it's quite possible Gearbox will be doing Halo 4 (or whatever they end up calling it, but it's not a certainty yet," the poster concludes.

This isn't the first time such a deal has been rumoured. It's mentioned in the latest issue of Official Xbox Magazine (thanks Joystiq), which claims the new Halo game will be a launch title for the next Xbox.

But let's not forget, it's just a rumour for now. A rumour about a deal that hasn't even been signed yet, assuming it's actually happening, which it might not be, because it's all a rumour Allegedly.

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