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Gearbox attacks "content dumping"

Insists Borderlands 2 is all new.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Developers who recycle leftovers from an original game for its sequel are doing gamers a disservice, according to Gearbox marketing VP Steve Gibson.

Speaking at a Borderlands 2 presentation at Gamescom this week, as reported by Develop, Gibson insisted that the follow-up to its acclaimed 2009 shooter RPG has been built from scratch.

"At many studios there is a lot of what we call 'content dumping', where people make a load of extra content with their first game, put it together on a disk, and add a '2' to the original game's name," he said.

Doing so, he argued, was "a disservice to gamers".

"That's not what Borderlands 2 is about at all. We've truly redone everything. We've rebuilt the world."

Formally unveiled earlier this month, Gearbox's sequel is due on shelves some time next year.

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