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Former Payday dev's co-op alien shooter GTFO enters Steam early access next week

And it'll stay there for around a year.

GTFO, the new co-operative alien shooter from Payday lead designer Ulf Andersson, will be making its way to Steam early access next Monday, 9th December.

Originally announced in the hazy days of 2017, GTFO is the work of developer 10 Chambers Collective, a studio whose members previously worked on both the first Payday game and its sequel. It's described as a co-operative action/horror FPS for up to four players, and promises "edge-of-your-seat suspense, team-based puzzle-solving and high-intensity combat".

All that unfolds within the sinister bowels of a vast underground complex overrun by terrifying creatures, and the result is an experience that looks to occupy a space somewhere between Left4Dead and Aliens, which sounds pretty appealing to me.

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"Gather weapons, tools, and resources to help you survive," explains 10 Chambers, "and work to unearth the answers about your past and how to escape."

According to GTFO's Steam page, players can expected a regular influx of new maps (known as expeditions), replacing old ones in order to "invent new ways of challenging you and your teammates in new and interesting ways. Additionally, 10 Chambers says that new enemies, environments, and objectives will be added as early access development continues, alongside gear progression, character customisation, a broader range of co-op challenges, progression linked expeditions, and expeditions with "layered" difficulty.

10 Chambers anticipates that GTFO's early access period will last around 12 months, whereupon its price will increase for its 1.0 launch. And if you're sufficiently intrigued after all that, you can watch a 9-minute developer play-through elsewhere.

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