Skip to main content Podcast #31

StarCraft II! Acti financials! Arkham City! Plus SteelSeries giveaway.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Adventure! Excitement! A Jedi may crave not these things, but Eurogamers do, so this week's podcast is a must-listen - on the basis that it includes nudity, dancers dressed as Pac-Man, and the unbelievable truth about Wesley's past as an unemployed World of Warcraft addict and his friend whose foot blew up.

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This week's gang of Tom Bramwell, Wesley Yin-Poole and' Alec Meer are an amazingly professional bunch, however, so we also dig into some of the big issues of today: the launch of StarCraft II, for example, and the way it has consumed most of Alec's life for the last week.

It's not all about clicking on aliens though - we also check in with the latest stuff Peter Molyneux has been saying about Kinect (at which point a siren goes off outside the window to scare away the seagulls), and the latest stuff Thomas Tippl has been saying about why Activision did or did not send Blur and Singularity out to die.

Other latest stuff includes an excitable look ahead to Batman: Arkham City, a game for which our expectations aren't so much high as locked in geostationary orbit. Brammers' notes for the show include approximately a dozen exclamation marks at the point marked "Arkham City". Our esteemed editor also reveals a personal medical secret regarding the first game. Exciting stuff.

Plus it wouldn't be the Podcast if we didn't seize on any available opportunity to discuss human reproduction in slightly quaint, prudish 1950s tones, so we also get stuck into the scandalous news that dudes in World of Warcraft's Goldshire Inn are role-playing sexy times.

There's loads more, including our favourite videogame characters (I cannot believe I forgot to mention Horstachio), and a very special competition to win a prize donated by our friends at SteelSeries: a huge, arousingly detailed QCK Limited Edition StarCraft II Kerrigan vs. Zeratul mouse mat signed by Blizzard international vice president Mike Ryder and SCII lead software developer Carl Chimes. We'll be announcing the winner of that in the next couple of weeks. Thanks very much to SteelSeries for supplying it.

Background reading!

The Podcast goes live every Tuesday at 3pm UK time. Next week features the return of Queen of Hyphens Ellie Gibson!

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