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Dragon Quest 11 coming to 3DS, PlayStation 4 - and the NX

UPDATE: Will it come west? "We will consider it as we've done in the past for other Dragon Quest titles," says Square.

UPDATE: Square Enix Europe has shared a statement with Eurogamer regarding whether Dragon Quest 11 will find its way west. "We don't have a concrete plan at the moment," it reads. "However, we will consider it as we've done in the past for other Dragon Quest titles. We don't have further information to share at the moment."

ORIGINAL STORY: Dragon Quest 11 has been officially revealed by Square Enix, and it's coming to the PlayStation 4, the 3DS and Nintendo's forthcoming NX - becoming the first game confirmed for the new platform in the process.

The PS4 version of Dragon Quest 11.

The news came during a 90 minute conference held in Japan this morning where Square Enix detailed its plans for the long-running series ahead of its 30th anniversary next year, and where no less than 10 different games were shown. Headlining the lot was Dragon Quest 11, which sees the mainline series making a return to Sony's hardware for the first time since 2004's Dragon Quest 8.

Dragon Quest 11 on PlayStation 4 has a similar style to Dragon Quest 8, and following a couple of MMO-flavoured excursions for the series looks like a more traditional open world RPG. It's being developed by Square Enix with the assistance of Orca, and is using the Unreal Engine 4.

Dragon Quest 11 on 3DS, meanwhile, offers a split view across the handheld's two screens that allows for both a 2D sprite style as well as a top-down 3D game, with players able to choose between old-school 2D battles or 3D battles by playing with either the d-pad or circle pad. Toy Logic, who previously helped revive Kid Icarus alongside Sora, is helping bring the 3DS Dragon Quest 11 to life.

Dragon Quest 11 on 3DS.

There's no release date yet, though it's a safe bet it'll coincide with the 30th anniversary next year in Japan. As for localisation news, we'll have to wait a little longer, though we've asked Square just in case there's anything to disclose at this time.

Dragon Quest 11 also has the honour of being the first game confirmed for Nintendo's NX, its new hardware that's set to be fully revealed next year. Dragon Quest 10, the MMO that came out for both Wii and Wii U, was also confirmed to be coming to the NX, and it'll be celebrating its third anniversary by coming to the PS4 too.

The Dragon Quest press conference has been archived on YouTube in the video below.

Watch on YouTube

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