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DICE has halted "future projects" while it fixes Battlefield 4

Guess that means Star Wars: Battlefront is on hold.

Battlefield 4 developer DICE has placed all of its expansions and "future projects" on the backburner while it puts all hands on deck to focus on the mess that is Battlefield 4's launch. Yes, that includes the Star Wars: Battlefront reboot it's been brewing up.

"First, we want to thank the fans out there that are playing and supporting us with Battlefield 4," an EA spokesperson said in a statement to Polygon. "We know we still have a ways to go with fixing the game - it is absolutely our number one priority. The team at DICE is working non-stop to update the game. Since Battlefield 4 China Rising expansion pack was already in the final stages of development by the time issues began with Battlefield 4, we decided to fulfill our promise to deliver it this week, but we're not moving onto future projects or expansions until we sort out all the issues with Battlefield 4. We know many of our players are frustrated, and we feel their pain. We will not stop until this is right."

Yesterday EA released Battlefield 4's second expansion, China Rising, which brought with it a whole new host of problems. EG-contributor Jon Denton wasn't entirely thrilled by the offering. "China Rising is Battlefield 4 by numbers - maps for the sake of maps," he wrote in his China Rising review, where he noted that "Battlefield 4 is a mess on every platform - a litany of crashes, misfires and save bugs."

EA has suggested players keep an eye on its progress on the Battlefield 4 Control Room forums, where it will post updates as to how things are coming along.

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