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Crytek's Xbox One game Ryse is a launch title, gameplay shown

Heavy on the QTEs.

Crytek showed a gameplay video of Xbox One-exclusive Ryse: Son of Rome at the Microsoft Press conference today and confirmed it will be a launch title.

Ryse puts you on the frontlines of a Roman army as Marius Titus, a commander who must fight and lead troops in battle - by shouting things at Kinect, if you like.

Ryse is chock-full of bombastic set pieces that see Roman galleys crash and splinter on the rocks. It's also full of QTE combat by the looks of things, with button-prompts popping up with such regularity that it's unclear exactly what you do control.

Nevertheless, Ryse looks nice - it's very grey but also visually accomplished, as you might expect from a Crytek game.

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